So recently it has come to my attention that some people may not understand the pokemon terminology just like I didn't when I first began with the Pixelmon mod. So I have decided to write a complete guide to training your Pokemon to be the best they can.
In this guide we will cover:
Base stats simply determine what a pokemon is good at, There are 6 different stats a Pokemon has, and every Pokemon starts off with different base stats. You can not change a Pokemon's base stats ever. Below is an example;

These are the base stats of an Aerodactyl. As you can see this Pokemon has a very high base speed stat, and quite a high base attack stat. Its defensive stats arent that great, therefore using this Pokemon as a defensive wall wouldn't be a great idea.
You can find every Pokemon's base stats here:
This is the most simplest of aspects to getting a stronger Pokemon. A nature will influence at most, 2 of your Pokemon;s stats. Each nature, except 5 will increase one of your Pokemon's stats by 10%, and decrease one of your Pokemon's stats by 10%. Like i discussed above, there are 5 natures that don't affect your Pokemon's stats, This is because they are neutral natures.
Below is an example of how good a nature can be for your Pokemon, I have compared the exact same Pokemon except one has a neutral nature and one has a nature that boosts the Pokemon's Attack stat. You can tell which stat is being increased because it is highlighted in green, and the one being decreased is highlighted in red.

As you can see from the two images above, the Pokemon with the attack boosting nature has a much higher attack stat because of his nature. The Pokemon on the right has gained 21 more stat points in Attack, this could be the difference between killing your opponent and not.
When choosing which nature you want for your Pokemon, it is important to take into account your Pokemon's base stats, and which ones it is best in, it is also important to think about how you want to use your Pokemon, an attack boosting nature would be useful for a strong attacking Pokemon, but you might choose to use your Pokemon defensively, then you will want a defense boosting nature. It is also important to consider which stat you need the least, because if you are increasing one stat, you have to decrease another. Below is a chart of all the natures and which stat they increase and decrease:

IV's, short for individual value, could be known as the equivalent of a Pokemon's genes. They are hidden numbers that basically determine how good each stat on the Pokemon is, not to be confused with base stats. A Pokemon's IV's are determined as soon as it spawns, it is given random IV's in each stat and every Pokemon is given different ones. IV's range from 0-31, with 31 being the best. A Pokemon with a 31 IV in a stat will be much stronger than a Pokemon with a 0 IV in the same stat. Similar to some of the Pokemon games, on our server you can check if your Pokemon has any 31 IV's. To do this you just need to type /iv (pokemon slot), this will tell you if you have any 31 IV's, it will also tell you the highest IV that isnt 31. An IV calculator can be used to figure the rest out. Lets take a look at the difference between the same level 100 Pokemon, except one will have 0 IV's in each stat and one will have 31 IV's in each stat:

The first image is a level 100 Aerodactyl with 0 IV's on each stat. The second image is the exact same Pokemon with 31 IV's on each stat. As you can see, each stat has gone up by exactly 31. This is the effect IV's have at level 100, The Pokemon with all 31 IV's is a lot stronger now than the Pokemon with 0 IV's. Its not just at level 100, a Pokemon with higher IV's at lower levels will have higher stats than those with lower IV's in each stat.
Just like Base Stats and Nature though, you cannot change a Pokemons IV's once they are born with them. So it is important to keep looking for fresh Pokemon with good IV's. This could be done by breeding or catching wild Pokemon. Below are a couple of IV calculators:
EV's, known as effort values, unlike the other 3 can be changed and edited on a Pokemon once you've caught it. To put it simply, EV's are a hidden training method that increase your Pokemons stats. Similar to IV's, each stat has its own separate EV. Every freshly caught/hatched Pokemon will begin with 0 EV's in each stat. It is your job to give your Pokemon its EV's and therefore increase its stats how you choose.
Now you might be asking yourself, "how do i do this?", here is how: Whenever you kill a Pokemon, every pokemon that was involved in the fight, including Pokemon holding exp shares will gain some EV's, for example, killing a Magikarp, will give each Pokemon involved, 1 EV in its speed stat. This is because Magikarp's EV yield is 1 Speed EV. Each stat on your Pokemon can have at most 255 EV's. But you cant give all 6 stats 255 EV's because your Pokemon can only have a maximum of 510 EV's in total, You can spread these 510 EV's however you wish but you cannot go higher than 510. Another interesting thing to note is, at level 100, Your Pokemon will gain 1 extra stat for each 4 EV's you have given it in that stat. Therefore, putting the maximum of 255 EV's into one stat would be a waste, because you will only be gaining stats up to 252 EV's because this is the highest number divisible by 4. You can use the /ev command in game at the cost of a gem to see your Pokemon's EV's, or you can count them up yourself and keep note. If that is a little confusing, hopefully these pictures will help, below is 2 of the same Pokemon at level 100, except one has 252 EV's in its attack stat and its speed stat and 4 in its HP stat.

The first image is a Lvl 100 Aerodactyl with 0 EV's in all stats. The second image is the same Pokemon with 4 EV's in the HP stat, and 252 EV's in the attack and speed stat. As you can see, the second Pokemon has higher stats in HP, Attack and Speed. This is due to him being EV trained in the stats. It gained 1 HP stat, this is because, like i stated, at level 100, every 4 EV's given to a Pokemon equals 1 stat, and since we gave the Pokemon 4 HP EV's, it gained 1 stat point. This is true for Attack and Speed too, we gave both stats 252 EV's, 252/4 =63, and as you can see, we gained 63 stat points in both Attack and Speed. At lower levels, it isnt 1 stat for every 4 EV's, it takes more EV's to gain stat points, for example, at level 50, it is 1 stat for every 8 EV's in that stat. Gradually needing more EV's per stat gain the lower the level of the Pokemon. Without a doubt this has made the second Pokemon incredibly stronger though.
There are certain held items that can speed up and help the EV training process as the image below describes.

Thankfully, there are lists on the internet that tell us what EV's each Pokemon we kill will give us, here are a couple: ... alue_yield
Hopefully from this guide you have learnt something, to summarise, firstly we look at a Pokemon's base stats, this will then give us an idea on the nature we would look for our Pokemon, a Pokemon with good Speed and Attack base stats, will most likely be good with a nature that increases either speed or attack. Secondly we then figure out our Pokemon's IV's, like we learnt, each stat on a Pokemon will have a stat ranging from 0-31, so a Pokemon with IV's of 31 in each stat is perfect. Lastly we EV train our Pokemon, just like we learnt, each Pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EV's, and only 255 EV's on each stat, but we learnt that giving 255 is a waste because at level 100, you get 1 stat for every 4 EV's and the highest number that produces a whole number is 252. Just as an example, we will now compare 2 Pokemon, one with a neutral nature, 0 IV's and one that isn't EV trained, to one that has a good nature for its base stats, 31 IV's in every stat, and good EV training.

The first Pokemon has a neutral nature, 0 IV's in every stat, and no EV training, the second Pokemon has a good nature for its base stats, 31 IV's in every stat, and 4HP EV's and 252 EV's in Attack and Speed because these are the Pokemon's best base stats and we will be using him as a fast attacking Pokemon. You can clearly see the drastic effect that all these things has had on the second Pokemon's stats, Every stat has increased incredibly, making it a much much stronger Pokemon.[/size]
In this guide we will cover:
- Base Stats,
Base stats simply determine what a pokemon is good at, There are 6 different stats a Pokemon has, and every Pokemon starts off with different base stats. You can not change a Pokemon's base stats ever. Below is an example;

These are the base stats of an Aerodactyl. As you can see this Pokemon has a very high base speed stat, and quite a high base attack stat. Its defensive stats arent that great, therefore using this Pokemon as a defensive wall wouldn't be a great idea.
You can find every Pokemon's base stats here:
This is the most simplest of aspects to getting a stronger Pokemon. A nature will influence at most, 2 of your Pokemon;s stats. Each nature, except 5 will increase one of your Pokemon's stats by 10%, and decrease one of your Pokemon's stats by 10%. Like i discussed above, there are 5 natures that don't affect your Pokemon's stats, This is because they are neutral natures.
Below is an example of how good a nature can be for your Pokemon, I have compared the exact same Pokemon except one has a neutral nature and one has a nature that boosts the Pokemon's Attack stat. You can tell which stat is being increased because it is highlighted in green, and the one being decreased is highlighted in red.

As you can see from the two images above, the Pokemon with the attack boosting nature has a much higher attack stat because of his nature. The Pokemon on the right has gained 21 more stat points in Attack, this could be the difference between killing your opponent and not.
When choosing which nature you want for your Pokemon, it is important to take into account your Pokemon's base stats, and which ones it is best in, it is also important to think about how you want to use your Pokemon, an attack boosting nature would be useful for a strong attacking Pokemon, but you might choose to use your Pokemon defensively, then you will want a defense boosting nature. It is also important to consider which stat you need the least, because if you are increasing one stat, you have to decrease another. Below is a chart of all the natures and which stat they increase and decrease:

IV's, short for individual value, could be known as the equivalent of a Pokemon's genes. They are hidden numbers that basically determine how good each stat on the Pokemon is, not to be confused with base stats. A Pokemon's IV's are determined as soon as it spawns, it is given random IV's in each stat and every Pokemon is given different ones. IV's range from 0-31, with 31 being the best. A Pokemon with a 31 IV in a stat will be much stronger than a Pokemon with a 0 IV in the same stat. Similar to some of the Pokemon games, on our server you can check if your Pokemon has any 31 IV's. To do this you just need to type /iv (pokemon slot), this will tell you if you have any 31 IV's, it will also tell you the highest IV that isnt 31. An IV calculator can be used to figure the rest out. Lets take a look at the difference between the same level 100 Pokemon, except one will have 0 IV's in each stat and one will have 31 IV's in each stat:

The first image is a level 100 Aerodactyl with 0 IV's on each stat. The second image is the exact same Pokemon with 31 IV's on each stat. As you can see, each stat has gone up by exactly 31. This is the effect IV's have at level 100, The Pokemon with all 31 IV's is a lot stronger now than the Pokemon with 0 IV's. Its not just at level 100, a Pokemon with higher IV's at lower levels will have higher stats than those with lower IV's in each stat.
Just like Base Stats and Nature though, you cannot change a Pokemons IV's once they are born with them. So it is important to keep looking for fresh Pokemon with good IV's. This could be done by breeding or catching wild Pokemon. Below are a couple of IV calculators:
EV's, known as effort values, unlike the other 3 can be changed and edited on a Pokemon once you've caught it. To put it simply, EV's are a hidden training method that increase your Pokemons stats. Similar to IV's, each stat has its own separate EV. Every freshly caught/hatched Pokemon will begin with 0 EV's in each stat. It is your job to give your Pokemon its EV's and therefore increase its stats how you choose.
Now you might be asking yourself, "how do i do this?", here is how: Whenever you kill a Pokemon, every pokemon that was involved in the fight, including Pokemon holding exp shares will gain some EV's, for example, killing a Magikarp, will give each Pokemon involved, 1 EV in its speed stat. This is because Magikarp's EV yield is 1 Speed EV. Each stat on your Pokemon can have at most 255 EV's. But you cant give all 6 stats 255 EV's because your Pokemon can only have a maximum of 510 EV's in total, You can spread these 510 EV's however you wish but you cannot go higher than 510. Another interesting thing to note is, at level 100, Your Pokemon will gain 1 extra stat for each 4 EV's you have given it in that stat. Therefore, putting the maximum of 255 EV's into one stat would be a waste, because you will only be gaining stats up to 252 EV's because this is the highest number divisible by 4. You can use the /ev command in game at the cost of a gem to see your Pokemon's EV's, or you can count them up yourself and keep note. If that is a little confusing, hopefully these pictures will help, below is 2 of the same Pokemon at level 100, except one has 252 EV's in its attack stat and its speed stat and 4 in its HP stat.

The first image is a Lvl 100 Aerodactyl with 0 EV's in all stats. The second image is the same Pokemon with 4 EV's in the HP stat, and 252 EV's in the attack and speed stat. As you can see, the second Pokemon has higher stats in HP, Attack and Speed. This is due to him being EV trained in the stats. It gained 1 HP stat, this is because, like i stated, at level 100, every 4 EV's given to a Pokemon equals 1 stat, and since we gave the Pokemon 4 HP EV's, it gained 1 stat point. This is true for Attack and Speed too, we gave both stats 252 EV's, 252/4 =63, and as you can see, we gained 63 stat points in both Attack and Speed. At lower levels, it isnt 1 stat for every 4 EV's, it takes more EV's to gain stat points, for example, at level 50, it is 1 stat for every 8 EV's in that stat. Gradually needing more EV's per stat gain the lower the level of the Pokemon. Without a doubt this has made the second Pokemon incredibly stronger though.
There are certain held items that can speed up and help the EV training process as the image below describes.

Thankfully, there are lists on the internet that tell us what EV's each Pokemon we kill will give us, here are a couple: ... alue_yield
Hopefully from this guide you have learnt something, to summarise, firstly we look at a Pokemon's base stats, this will then give us an idea on the nature we would look for our Pokemon, a Pokemon with good Speed and Attack base stats, will most likely be good with a nature that increases either speed or attack. Secondly we then figure out our Pokemon's IV's, like we learnt, each stat on a Pokemon will have a stat ranging from 0-31, so a Pokemon with IV's of 31 in each stat is perfect. Lastly we EV train our Pokemon, just like we learnt, each Pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EV's, and only 255 EV's on each stat, but we learnt that giving 255 is a waste because at level 100, you get 1 stat for every 4 EV's and the highest number that produces a whole number is 252. Just as an example, we will now compare 2 Pokemon, one with a neutral nature, 0 IV's and one that isn't EV trained, to one that has a good nature for its base stats, 31 IV's in every stat, and good EV training.

The first Pokemon has a neutral nature, 0 IV's in every stat, and no EV training, the second Pokemon has a good nature for its base stats, 31 IV's in every stat, and 4HP EV's and 252 EV's in Attack and Speed because these are the Pokemon's best base stats and we will be using him as a fast attacking Pokemon. You can clearly see the drastic effect that all these things has had on the second Pokemon's stats, Every stat has increased incredibly, making it a much much stronger Pokemon.[/size]
Last edited by gilman2 on Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.