Limitless Pixelmon 

  • Ban appeal

  • Make an application to get unbanned here.
Make an application to get unbanned here.
Forum rules: You must follow the format outlined in the [READ BEFORE POSTING] Thread. If you fail to do so you are wasting staff time and it is unlikely your appeal will be accepted.
 #19624  by Joshy_AlphaMale
In-Game Username:JoshyBoy213
Reason for ban: Started Drama and proof wasn't said.
Who banned you?: Jay113355
What happened right before you were banned?: I was talking about how he said it and he was lying.
Additional Notes: I am sorry for my actions and I have apologised to Noc and we are now friends. I am sorry for causing drama and i am sorry for saying i had a clip when i didn't.
 #19640  by KidKraft
Given conversations I've had with the involved parties, and your past chances on the server, going to go ahead and deny this appeal.