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Triple_Pain Ban Appeal

PostPosted:Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:21 am
by Triple_Pain
In-Game Username: Triple_Pain

Reason for ban: "Large griefing, then arguing with staff"

Who banned you?: KidKraft__

What happened right before you were banned?:

For a short while before my ban I had been working on a project to create a perimeter of ultra elm trees around spawn. I think they look very nice especially on the mini-map and it would be a cool visual to make a circle of them. It could leave my mark, look nice, and be an overall impressive looking build for the server.

The day of my ban someone had voiced an annoyance with the trees because they were making the area close to his build dark (I would like to make it clear I was unaware of his build while planting the trees, It was a large perimeter, so I wasn't exactly thoroughly inspecting each planting location) so I asked him if I could keep the trees if I lit them up (because I would have rathered them stay there for the sake of a consistent perimeter, and removing them all would be an unreasonable amount of work, as the leaves of these trees don't decay properly) He agreed at first but then later said he would rather me remove them after staff asked him again.

At this point I was at a loss because actually removing them was essentially an impossible goal. After trying to convince the staff of this, they said "welp" and banned me.

I will admit, in trying to convince them I wasn't griefing, and the work requested of me was unreasonable, I was being a bit argumentative. However I kept things respectful and civil, not making any personal jabs, not using any rude language, I was just trying to explain why I couldn't do what they were asking me. Nevertheless I was banned after this.

Additional Notes:

I want to point out that not only is "no arguing with staff" a bit unreasonable of a ban reason but it is also not in the rules. The staff was calling me a griefer and telling me to do (in my opinion) an unreasonable amount of work. I was just defending myself because I wasn't actually griefing, and commands exist that could remove the trees completely in seconds, making everyone happier.

If unbanned I will cease planting these trees around at least until they are fixed. (I was unaware of the leaves not decaying until after the planting had begun, making removing any unwanted trees an insane task)

If I continue to plant these trees after they get fixed, I wont have any future issues removing them if I accidently place them near someone's base, as the leaves actually decaying will make it much faster, and I will also make greater efforts to make sure I don't place them near bases.

Another note I would like to add is an apology for my misunderstanding of the ban appeal rules showcased in my last appeal. After not receiving a reply to my appeal for about a week I wanted to make sure it was being reviewed. (a mod had replied to my appeal without ruling so I figured it may have been overlooked, with people assuming I got a reply already or something.)

I did, before doing this, check to see if it was against the appeal rules. However at the time I interpreted
"Signing onto the server under another account name, telling a member of staff you have made an appeal, or to go check your appeal, will result in your ban appeal being denied."
as meaning that it is against the rules to sign into the server under another name and ask staff on the server to check the appeal. Knowing now that asking outside the server is also against the rules, I see that it is meant to be read as a list but I think most people could see how its possible to genuinely mistake the text as meaning something else. (adding onto this the mod I DMed had DMed me first on something related to my appeal so it somewhat pushed me to believe DMing back in relation to the same appeal would be appropriate, again I apologize for my misunderstanding of the rules)

Screenshot of ban message:

Re: Triple_Pain Ban Appeal

PostPosted:Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:57 pm
by KidKraft