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Ban Appel

PostPosted:Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:40 pm
by JayYaKnowYT
IN-Game User: JayYaKnowYT
Reason for ban: Griefing
Who banned you: Foxliy
What happened before i was banned: I dont know, i just logged on and i was banned.
Dear Limitless staff,
Hello! So on Wednesday i dont know what time but i was banned for griefing 4 months ago. In all honesty when i first started i never knew that griefing wasn't allowed. I found out by it appearing in chat after i had already tooken the blocks and the beacons. I wanted to return the thing i took but he never appeared online afterwords. Even though that the blocks and beacons have been replaced i would still like to give him the items back and help him with any in game needs. I would like that to be my atonement for causing him any pain, i take full responsibility of my actions and it wont happen again! I would like to continue to help new players and help others in need.

Re: Ban Appel

PostPosted:Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:03 pm
by IAmMyselfBae
You have been unbanned. Welcome back!

Please reread the rules before rejoining the server;
1. Treat the staff and your fellow players with respect. No scamming or crude behavior will be tolerated.
2. Do not beg for items, Pokemon, money, leveling, etc. This goes for staff (especially) and fellow players.
3. No hacks, mods or cheats that give you unfair gameplay advantage over others, this includs x-ray texturepacks. QOL mods such as JEI and InvTweaks, Minimaps, and any purely aesthetic mods are allowed. Ask staff when in doubt.
4. Do not exploit any bugs or glitches in minecraft, mods, or the server. Report any exploits you find to staff.
5. No griefing, stealing, scamming or sharking will be tolerated. This includes non-claimed builds, landscapes, and building of inappropriate structures.
6. No alt accounts. Accounts are one per IRL person.
7. Do not spam chat, send repeated messages, or send repeated requests such as /tpa.
8. Do not use insulting, racist, or sexist language in chat, on signs, mails, Pokémon's nicknames, and your own nick or username, etc. Using swears is allowed but not excessively and not directed at a player.
9. Do not advertise other servers or services on our server. And do not advertise us on any other servers.