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Reborn9093's Moderator Application.

PostPosted:Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:54 pm
by zlsr
In-Game Username: Reborn9093
Age: 22
Are you fluent in English?: Yes, I am fluent in English. In Singapore, it is the mandatory language every Singaporean Must learn. Also I did very well for my GCE "O" Level English and GCE "A" Level English papers also receiving distinctions for the spoken interaction components.
How long have you been a member of Limitless?: Since Late September of 2018.
What Time Zone are you on? Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT+8 ).
How long can you be online per day?: I can be online for a few hours (namely 3-4 hours) since I normally come online to hatch eggs, handle Gym battle requests and just hang out with some friends. While doing my engineering assignments.
What times of the day can you be online? Weekdays around 6pm-10pm (US Timing: 6am-10am) since my intern at ALCON Singapore is starting soon. Weekends anytime.
Have you ever broke any of the server rules? Yes, for duping items. (unbanned by jay) I still deeply regret my actions but to make amendments for them. I have invested a lot of time and effort (and ingame $) into helping new players start off and teaching them basic commands also guiding them for certain game/pokemon mechanics. (the most painful part was to teach about the breeding mechanics)
Why do you want to be Staff?: Mainly because there are times where I feel powerless to stop trollers/hackers that join the server just to disrupt the peace (lucarios) especially when my timezone is near the opposite side of the globe whereby most of the staff are in the server is offline. I want to make sure that both new and old players can enjoy the server without a hitch. Ensuring that the server population may grow and flourish once again.
Are you familiar with the moderation commands? If yes, list at least 3 here: /tempban <name> <reason> /mute <name> <reason> /kick <name> <reason> /vanish /invsee
What (if any) experience do you have with pokemon and the pixelmon mod itself? Pokemon wise, I've been playing since Red and Blue as a child on my gameboy but also pokemonshowdown since 2015. I had been building teams and trying different quirky abilities and play-styles such as hyper aggressive or just stall teams. Also building customized pokemons to suit the team's needs it be a Wall or entry hazard etc. Pixelmon wise, I played the original (pre-reforged) but there wasn't much back then worth mentioning. However, I am currently the Normal and Flying Gym leader in Limitless Server (approved by jay) I also host shiny giveaways with simple chat pixelmon/pokemon/server-related quizzes or hide-and-seek at spawn opened to everyone, fairly. ( iammyselfbae won a lot of my shinies /: )
What is your discord tag?: zlsr#5858
How can you help the server?: Personally, it feels very rewarding for me when I help out both new and old players, be it simply answering a question that was left unanswered on /helpme, to pinging a staff on discord for help to ban players that had been offensive/disruptive. With more control, I will be able to better handle such situations should they arise. I genuinely love this server it is soo bubbly and warm, I hope I can make a difference.

Re: Reborn9093's Moderator Application.

PostPosted:Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:54 am
by thelittlefinch
Good guy, hes always been nice and helpful. Never seen him get angry or be rude. would be a good fit.

Re: Reborn9093's Moderator Application.

PostPosted:Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:12 am
by Xavierocyrus
Very friendly guy and i understand his point about being in a different timezone as other staff as there was once when that happened to me and i had to contact other staff to come online which by then half of my area was already destroyed. I do support him in becoming a moderator as he does not think twice before helping others and does so as much as he can. I think he will make a really good moderator for this server.

Re: Reborn9093's Moderator Application.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:55 am
by k9doesthings
good friend helped me when I first joined never seen him angry or rude he always helps people every time his on. would fit the role perfectly <3

Re: Reborn9093's Moderator Application.

PostPosted:Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:03 am
by Jay113355
Hello, Thank you for applying to be staff on limitless.

Unfortunately this application is denied.

Here are some general tips for what we want from staff in case you want to try applying again later
  • Effort: Put some effort into writing your application, tell us how you think the server could use you or how you would be a great addition to the team.
  • Maturity: No one likes a staff member who is immature or abuses the powers they get from being a staff member. Show us you can be mature here on your app and in-game as well. (We are always watching :geek:)
  • Knowledge: Try to get to know the server and mod better more before becoming staff. Learn our commands and what sets us apart from other servers.
  • Reminder: You have to wait a minimum of 2 weeks before making another app.