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Alibelly__ Helper application

PostPosted:Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:54 pm
by Alibellywashere
In-Game Username:
current (hellas_gayrona) i will change it back to Alibelly__
Are you fluent in English?:
yes/ i am bilingual
How long have you been a member of Limitless?:
Started Saturday December 28,2019
What Time Zone are you on?
How long can you be online per day?:
i can be online for about 4/5 hours on weekdays but weekends i can go for 11/12 hours a day
What times of the day can you be online?
weekdays 6:00pm-9:30pm/ Weekends 7:30 am- 10pm
Have you ever broke any of the server rules?
Kind of but not really it was a stupid dare but funny at the same time but if you dont count that as rule breaking then no been really nice to other people and help if needed help
Why do you want to be Staff?:
the server is very unique and fun and i wanna help people that are in need of help and struggling, also i have a lot of experience with helping people so i wanna try the same with this server
Are you familiar with the servers unique features or commands? If yes, list at least 3 here:
/mute /tpaccept /rtp /
What (if any) experience do you have with Pokemon and the Pixelmon mod itself?
i have played Pokemon for a long time (from the age of 9) and have a lot of experience with it. and our server is now in sun and moon which is possibly the best game, so i can help with whatever they need and help them through these experiences i had.
What is your discord tag?:
How can you help the server?:
i can help the people that have no experience with pixelmon (or Pokemon in general) with what to do like what other commands there are in the server , and i can keep chat clean and i can always keep chat open for if anything goes on so if there is something or a argument i can stop it right away
Other Notes:[/b][/b][/b]
i dedicated a lot of my time on this server even tho i am not staff i still help people. and if i get staff/helper i could also host tournaments and give away prizes i think that it will be fun for the community and help people get use to battling with other people.

Re: Alibelly__ Helper application

PostPosted:Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:36 pm
by Jay113355

Its suspected that this applicant is no longer active on limitless.

Feel free to reapply if this is incorrect or you become active again.