Limitless Pixelmon 

  • Pixelmon 4.2.2 and the SafariZone!!

  • The latest news from Limitless!
The latest news from Limitless!
 #9190  by Jay113355
Pixelmon update:
We're updating pixelmon again! Here are some of the notable changes:
Pixelmon 4.2.2:
  • Added Pokémon battle spectating.
  • Updated trade machine model and allowed it to be dyed.
  • Updated boulder, box, end table, fossil display, gym sign, and water float models.
  • Added inheritance of IVs/Nature/growth for Ditto + Ditto breeding.
  • Fixed player party reverting to an older state upon player death.
You can find the download files here: (bottom of the page)

We have also finished the SafariZone! Thanks to gilman2 and Wertfuzzy77 for helping build the biomes
For fairness and balance, entering the safari zone cost 250$, you can only use safari balls and you only have 30 minutes within the zone. You are however given a full stack of Safari balls to use, for no extra charge.

To enter use /safarizone

Quick note: the 30 minutes you have in the safari zone doesn't persist threw restarts yet! so be careful.

That's all for today! Enjoy the update and we'll see you in-game soon!
LimitlessMc Staff