Limitless Pixelmon 

  • Properly introducing the Elite 4

  • Make a suggestion for our server!
Make a suggestion for our server!
 #19178  by Bolt
With the recent monthly tournament system implemented, we have yielded 3 different players with the "Champion" rank . With more tours planned, properly adding in the Elite 4 seems sort of fitting. It will provide that proper end game feel that we are missing at the current moment. Gyms are at the stage of competitiveness, but we need to keep competitive battlers within the server and not only logging on for the monthly tour. I see this as the most fitting method of achieving that.

* **Formatting** *
Currently we have 3 active or previous Champions. Adding an option after winning this rank to lead the Elite 4 would make sense. These players have shown that they are proven battlers and fill in as perfect candidates. With more monthly tours set, rotating people in/out will keep it fresh or swap roles within the Elite 4. (ex. Unmei wins again and reclaims the Champion role).

* **Rules & Team Formation** *
To keep things different with the active gym system, allowing the Elite 4/Champion to hand form their teams while following the Natdex OU ruleset will be needed. Once teams are properly formed, they will be locked for that month/permanently *if desired* , swapping spots in the Elite 4 will not result in a team swap.

* **Voting & Elite 4 Additions** *
Currently spots in the Elite 4 (theoretically) are open, so perhaps voting in players who have shown exceptional battling skills will yield a more competitive bracket. Voting for this can cause some commotion, so taking a community vote on who we deem is worthy of filling these spots will be needed.

At the end of the day showing some love to the competitive scene on the server should happen, and properly adding this feature in would fill that hole for those desiring something more after they have conquered the gyms. Thanks for taking the time to read this, -Boltzx <3