Limitless Pixelmon 

  • Plz :(

  • Make an application to get unbanned here.
Make an application to get unbanned here.
Forum rules: You must follow the format outlined in the [READ BEFORE POSTING] Thread. If you fail to do so you are wasting staff time and it is unlikely your appeal will be accepted.
 #20142  by thor_
In-Game Username: Thor_

Reason for ban: Being toxic in chat and being mean to lillith :(

Who banned you?: Sparky

What happened right before you were banned?: a few people were bad mouthing to lillith and i had joined in because i dont like her as she begs and lies abt stuff like her age which is not cool, but no reason for me to be toxic towards her when i couldve just ignored it.

Additional Notes: I sorry :( i be good boy. I just dont like liars but I will watch my mouth plz let me back :(

SCREENSHOT OF REASON FOR BAN SCREEN: Im trying to upload a picture and i cant figure out how. I can send in dms if that will help. Idk how to get my image to a url