Limitless Pixelmon 

  • Ban Appeal

  • Make an application to get unbanned here.
Make an application to get unbanned here.
Forum rules: You must follow the format outlined in the [READ BEFORE POSTING] Thread. If you fail to do so you are wasting staff time and it is unlikely your appeal will be accepted.
 #20144  by thor_
In-Game Username: Thor_
Reason for ban: Continued toxicity
Who banned you?:jay
[What happened right before you were banned? I said jay was a big stinky face
Additional Notes: :( stinky is a term that has a silly meaning across the internet, i didnt believe it to be something that would be seen as toxic. ive been keeping to myself most of the time and just talking the ppl i consider friends on here, and as most has literally been silly friendly banter if anything rude was said, like calling u big stinky face, it had no mal intent on it. theres been multiple instances that ppl have been being bullied and ive minded my business about it. i didnt think that, what in my opinion is friendly banter, would be a problem, as before i was legit bullying someone. If you want to consider them the same thing and have a 0 tolerance about it that is fine ill respect your decisions, but it feels as if you are just being extra on me, as i had asked if saying big stinky face not okay, after you asked me if i wanna be banned, and then banned me. if calling you a big stinky face hurt your feelings then sir i am sorry but it was nothing more than being silly and has been with anything i said to anyone recently as the only ppl ive been talking to are ones who id consider friends. I sowwy
SCREENSHOT OF REASON FOR BAN SCREEN Continued toxicity after temp ban
 #20145  by thor_
please sir jay i miss my friends :( i will be extra good little duckling i pinky pwomise.
 #20146  by Jay113355
I'ma be honest, I don't really see a reason to unban you at this point, and your dismissive appeal and attempts to paint me as 'unfair' is not amusing.

You got banned for bullying. Plain and simple, it happened. We have logs, we know everything you said, and then on the very same day you started trolling on discord in the support channel, showing 0 remorse for your actions.
You then offered to explain why YOU were ANNOYED enough to 'be an ass'. I don't care about your reasoning, I don't want that sort of behavior on the server, PERIOD. The server rules are there for this exact reason. The rules don't exist to punish you, they exist to protect everyone else FROM YOU.

Fast forward a week and your temp ban expired, you were allowed back on the server and back into the discord, and in less then 3 days you've already starting shit in chat again? Staff had been watching, we got reports, we saw you start shit day after day, we let it slide but then I joined on the 29th and what's the first thing you said in chat?

We're not friends, we're not buddy's, you're a known bully who just got unbanned 3 DAYS AGO. I let that message slide and just minded my own business. Only for 20 minutes later you decide its okay to just shit on me, completely unprompted.

That is what bullying is, I don't give a shit about "sticky face", its the part where behind my back you are calling anyone names AT ALL without their permission.

You've made it clear you have no respect for the rules of the server. This isn't about whether you intended to be funny or not, it's about your pattern of behavior and you consistently pushing boundaries.

Your actions are not just a minor mistake, your bullying behavior and jabs at people cause others to not want to participate in chat, in fear of them being your next target, that damages the fun environment we try to build and maintain here.

Denied, I don’t believe you’ve learned anything. If you want to be part of this server moving forward, it requires respect for others, following the rules, and a change in attitude. If you can’t do that, then this ban will likely remain permanent.
 #20147  by thor_
I appreciate your reply and all of the time you had put into it jay.
I do not feel the need to sit and explain myself or get into any arguments with you about any of my actions, but i do know that despite my actions I very much so enjoy this server and I do respect it even if it wasn’t shown with how I had acted at certain points.
Previously I had thought it was okay to have a bad attitude towards people sometimes if it wasn’t meant to be taken as mean or bullying, it felt free to be able to just shoot the shit sometimes w people, but i understand now that none of that is tolerable. When I had said things to you and to others I genuinely didn’t think it was going to stir up any problems or be taken in a way that was negative.
I know my attitude hasn’t been great at times, but i have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the server, making friends, and trying to help people as much as I can when i’m on.

I’d love a chance to show you that I now understand that none of that behavior is tolerable and continue my path on the server which I had worked very hard to achieve the point I had been at, in a respectful and friendly way, because i know i’m able to do that, I just didn’t think the actions that in my head were light hearted, would be taken the way they had, but I now see I was wrong and I am sorry for the disrespect and problems I had caused

I strongly ask you to consider an opportunity for me to come back and change my demeanor on the server. I know you are aware of how active I was, how much I was always trying to help people and how many people I had made friends with. I have love and passion for the server and the people on it, and I would love to be able to continue that in a way that isn’t harmful to anyone.
If your decision stands I shall respect that, I just wanted to let you know that I genuinely didn’t know that my actions leading up to this ban were something to cause problem and be taken in such a negative light, and that I understand now that any sort of that behavior isn’t tolerated and I am fully capable of being in the community and playing on the server without displaying any of those actions or behaving in such a way.

Thank you for your time Jay and staff