Limitless Pixelmon 

  • LimitlessMc Poll 1 (updated)

  • The latest server announcements from the staff!
The latest server announcements from the staff!

Read below for instructions.

Soft Reset
Hard Reset
 #10579  by TROLL
Well here's my issue with all the excuses provided by yall given to why a hard reset should happen. I was going to submit in a term paper about 10 pages or so long, but I got tire of typing walls of text; so I'm breaking this down to the simplest of simplicity, about 5 pages will do. ;)

Keeping pokes through transition will lag the new world... You obviously don't know how the 'lags' we've been feeling are created. Keeping pokes through the transition is irrelevant to the 'lag' that you are referring to, the new world will eventually be laggy no matter what - due to the high traffic amount of players we've been having lately. That's really - not - a legitimate excuse. This is pixelmon, there will always be pokemons around. We mind as well hard reset and not catch any pokemons if this is the case.

You've grinded 12 hours a day for a few weeks and claims to be one of the most who had grinded compared to others, yet you're cool w/ the hard reset... I can guarantee you, lots of people including me had grinded more than 12 hours on the daily and months on end and would not appreciate a hard reset. You've obviously had not 'grinded'.

But the economy will be unbalanced... True, seeing how the players now are selling everything that they have and waiting on a /bal transfer to the new world, that would be correct to an unbalanced economy. Although, if Jay can settle w/ /bal being reset on the new world from a soft reset, that would be irrelevant to the situation. Economy starts from ground $0. It's all fair play besides donations; that's a free pass.

Fairness in its entirely and It wouldn't be fair to other players who has no pokes, if we transferred pokes... This out of all the excuses (sadly the most brought up excuse too) is the most idiotic excuse I had ever heard; Fairness about poke transfer. What's not fair about it? That someone actually caught a poke and you didn't because you were afk at spawn the whole time you were on the server? The pokes are earned, everyone will be getting their pokes transferred - everyone.... that's the fairest of them all. If you didn't do squat and catch anything, that's on you.

I think I've addressed everything so far and will leave another post on the bottom that I had broken off from this post as I feel it should be read in its entirely and check back in a few days on what's up.

... Soft reset, best of the two worlds; What more can you ask for. More excuses? Hmu. I've been on here and played long enough to what goes around.
Last edited by TROLL on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
 #10580  by TROLL
... Look at a soft reset in this perspective. A soft reset is basically what our server is now... minus all of our inventories (items), replacing our abused world w/ a new world, /bal reset to 0 for economy and money issues... and we get the newest updates of pixelmon... everyone's happy, that's basically it. It's that simple. I can guarantee you (and I'm sure everyone knows it too in the back of their minds) that everyone who wants a hard reset just wants others who had played much longer, who's more loyal to the server, to lose everything that they have including their pokes. That's the real reason and the truth behind it all. Because 'oh, it'll lag the world if we transferred the pokes', 'the economy will be unbalance', and all other excuses that are given - are all really bull... Dank you, now i go take a dump.
 #10586  by Huuk
I think you're wrong on a single point: Lag.
You know how minecraft has mobs, well every pokemon entity is way more complex than any MC mob since they have stats and all. they aren't generic mobs which share stats with their species and whatnot. Those take a lot of ressources after a time, especially with all the players who stopped playing. Let's estimate a 500+players that came at least once on the server (since I don't have official numbers) and at least 300 of these players have more than 10 pokemon, and maybe 30-50 players have 100+. That's a lot of pokemon.

Now it shouldn't be a problem after the reset, but it will become a real problem a few months from now when 100+ players will have 100+ pokemons.

How will it cause lag you say ? well the fact that there is that many data being stored at all times in the server is what cause lag. and it's not like hidden chunks that only eat ram when they are used by a player (since when there is no player there, the chunk doesn't render at all), because those pokemons, their stats and all their info is there, using up ram.

it's not a perfect corrolation, because they don't actually "use ram", but they make it longer everytime the server has to load pc info/party info, etc since it has to go through more users/more pokes everytime it tries to list your pc. It wouldn't be a problem with 30 people. but with 100 people playing at the same time, expect somebody somewhere to use his PC every 2 seconds, requiering all this server usage for the next 2 seconds.

Also, what fun is there when you already have 100+ pokemons ?
I think the economy argument is dead wrong. it will come back to the same thing, FAST. And yes , hard reset will eventually go back to being laggy.
except the soft reset will go back to being laggy in 3 months instead of 1year and a half.
 #10618  by MGirard
I don't think a hard reset would help the economy much. The only thing that would really change is that held items would be non-worthless for a little while until everyone has the items they need. After that, how many useful items do people even buy? Rare candies, ranch blocks for breeders, and...? Master balls used to be useful back when there were 30 people online and there was a reasonable chance of actually seeing a legendary spawn, but because legend spawn rates don't increase with more people online (= more people voting and more people farming boss towers), the supply of masterballs has exceeded the demand.

I've heard people lamenting over 5IV/HA pokemon having come down in price lately, but I don't think a hard reset will fix that. You know what will? Tournaments. Our last one was at the end of May, and without tournaments, there's really nothing else that requires good pokemon. Except gyms, but ... why? These pokemon need something to drive up demand so prices will increase.

Honestly, I think some hard and unpopular decisions would need to be made, such as having held items wear out and disappear over time. Without fixing some of the more fundamental issues, the economy will never be truly vibrant.

I'm a little worried if the HDD/SDD size of the world is a reason for the reset as some people speculate, because with the population explosion we've experienced, the new world is probably going to inflate in size so rapidly that it'll probably be close to the same size in a shorter time than we think.

Edit: And in the future, there needs to be a better way to notify people that events like this are happening. I look at the front page on a regular basis, but because I didn't look at this specific forum and I didn't happen to catch people talking about the impending reset, I didn't know until an hour ago that this was happening. I've voted for this server almost every single day since I joined and now have over 400 votes, and I've been saving the rare candies until I had a good, well-bred pokemon team to level up with them. And now most of them have gone down the toilet.
 #10623  by SkellyTheKing
already upgraded myself to pixelmon 5.0 1.10.2 is the server ready?
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