In Limitless, there are various Pixelmon and custom commands available to use, which expands every so often as more as Limitless updates!

Here is a compiled list of commands to use, organized by usage.

  1. Homes, Teleports, and Claims
  2. Market and Ecomony
  3. Player and Chat Interactions
  4. General Info
  5. Webstore Commands

Homes, Teleports, and Claims

Command Description
/delhome Deletes user's default home.
/delhome (home name) Deletes user's named home.
/home or /h Teleports user to their default home.
/home (home name) Teleports user to the named home.
/home list Lists out all of the user's current named homes.
/sethome Sets the user's default home at the user's current position.
/sethome (home name) Sets the user's named home at the user's current position.
/back or /b Teleports user back to the last known location preceeding a teleport command within the last 5 minutes.
/rtp or /randomtp Teleports user to a random location in the world at the cost of either 50 Pokedollars or 1 rtp token.
/spawn or /s Teleports user to spawn.
/tpa (player name) Sends a request to a player for the user to teleport to their current location.
/tpaccept Accepts incoming tpa requests.
/tpahere (player name) Sends a request to a player to teleport to the user's current location.
/warp Pulls up a list of warps that with /warp (warp name) can teleport the user to a specific location.
/buychunks Lists out how many chunks are used, how many are available, and how many are left to purchase for a user.
/buychunks (amount) Sets up a prompt screen of the price for the amount of chunks for purchase with a confirmation.
/claim new (claim name) Begins the setup process to set up a new claim, followed by a claim confirmation.
/claim list Lists out all of the user's current claims.
/claim resize Resizes the claim that the user is currently standing in.
/claim unclaim (claim name) Removes the claim.
/claim set-interact (level) Sets the interaction permissions with items and blocks within a claim.
/claim set-build (level) Sets the building permissions within a claim.)
/trust (player name) Trusts a player to interact with the user's claim the user is standing in.
/untrust (player name) Removes the trust of a player to interact with the user's claim that the user is standing in.

Market and Economy

Command Description
/balance or /bal Displays the amount of money in the user's pocket and bank. When used on another player, it displays only what's in their pocket.
/breedlock (slot#) Makes the Pokémon in that slot unable to be bred for a fee, even after being sold. This action cannot be undone.
/cost or /pricecheck Checks the cost of an item in the user's main hand or a Pokémon in the user's party if /cost (slot#) is used. This price is based on the market average, and may not be very accurate for every item. (Ex: Enchanted Books)
/market, /listing, or /listings Opens up the player-ran marketplace, where postings of various items, Pokémon, and other goods can be purchased.
/market help Displays the commands and their descriptions on how to open market and how to sell in the market.
/market sell (price) Sells the item in the user's main hand on the marketplace at the price set for it.
/market sellpoke (slot#) (price) Sells the Pokémon on the marketplace at the designated slot number for the price set.
/pay (player) (amount) Send a player the set money amount out of the user's pocket.
/pixelpoints, /pp, or /points Displays the current amount of points earned from /vote.
/pointshop Opens the interface to use pixelpoints to purchase various items, decorations, random Pokémon, and pointshop exclusives.
/sell (price) Sells the item in the user's main hand on the marketplace at the price set for it.
/shop open Opens and displays the contents of the user's spawn shop, if one has been have rented.
/shop sell (price) Sells an item in the user's spawn shop at the price listed.

Player and Chat Interactions

Command Description
/duel (player) Allows a player to start a duel between another player.
/highfive (player) Gives a player within range a high five in the chat.
/hug (message) Gives a hug to the ones you cherish in chat: friends, foes, or toads.
/ignore (player) Blocks the ability to send, receive, or read messages from a player. Just doing /ignore will pull up the user's ignore list.
/killme, or /suicide Kills the user with an amusing death message.
/kiss (player) Gives a player within range a kiss in the chat.
/mail or /mailbox Opens the user's mailbox for any items receieved or receipts from the market/shops
/msg (target) (message), /tell, /w, /m, /message, or /pm Sends a private message to a player.
/reply or /r Replies to the last player that sent a message to the user.
/seen (player) Shows the information of a player, including their last login and join date.
/send (recipient) Sends the current item in a user's hand to a player.
/sendpoke (recipient) (slot#) or /sendpokemon Sends a Pokémon to a player, for a flat fee.
/tour (join|leave) or /tournament (join|leave) Let's the user join or leave a hosted tournament.
/tradeevo (slot#) Evolves a Pokémon in the party that normally requires the Pokémon to be traded. All other conditions must be met (held items, friendship, etc) to work. Note: Does not work for Shelmet/Karrablast evolutions.
/unignore Removes a player from the user's ignored list.
/valentines (player) Gives a Valentine's (limited time purchase from the /webstore) to a player.
/valentines (accept|reject) Accept or reject the gift of a Valentine's from another player.

General Info

Command Description
/champion A special rank given to the winner of a hosted tournament.
/discord Gives the link to the Limitless Discord. (
/ev (slot#) or /evs (slot#) Displays the Effort Value spread for the Pokémon in the designated slot.
/help (pg#) Displays the help pages with the lists of commands, using page numbers to navigate.
/helpme Allows the user to message all online staff when needed.
/info or /serverinfo Displays the status of the server, including uptime, TPS, and players online at that time.
/iv (slot#) or /ivs (slot#) Displays the Individual Value spread for the Pokémon in the designated slot. Must have a Gem corresponding to the Pokémon's type(s).
/legend Displays the names and time since the last 4 legendary Pokémon have spawned during the server's current uptime.
/ping Pong! Gives the user's current ping.
/relog, /k, or /z Gives a relog command to the server, where it will automatically disconnect and relog the user back to the server.
/restart Displays the time until the next scheduled restart.
/staff Displays the list of all Limitless Staff, with green indicating they are online.
/vote Displays the vote links to vote for Limitless, including an option to open all the links at once.

Webstore Commands

Command Description
/balledit (slot#), or /pokeball (slot#), /pokeballedit (slot#) Allows the user to edit the Poké Ball the Pokémon in the designated slot. Purchasable from the /webstore. or from the in-game /pointshop.
/boost or /boosts Shows the global boosts active on the server at the time.
/craft, /wb, or /workbench Opens a crafting bench grid. Available for Wynaut rank and higher.
/daycare Opens a wireless daycare interface. Available for Cosmog rank only.
/ec or /enderchest Opens the user's enderchest. Available for Porygon rank and higher.
/editgrowth (slot#), /growth, or /growthedit Allow the user to change the growth of the Pokémon in the designated slot. Purchasable from the /webstore.
/furnace (set type) Allows the user to access a personal furnace of choice that is always loaded, but requires fuel. Available for Cosmog rank only.
/hat Allows the user to wear any block and some items on their head as a hat. Available for Wynaut rank and higher.
/makeshiny (slot#) Allows the user to make the Pokémon shiny in the designated slot. Purchasable from the /webstore.
/nightvision or /nv Grants the user night vision. Available for Wynaut rank and higher.
/pc Allows the user to access their Pokémon storage remotely. Available for Porygon rank and higher.
/perk or /perks Displays perks menu, which contains tools, boosts, and other content that's unlocked via ranks. Available for Wynaut rank and higher.
/plushy dialogue Allows the user to set a dialogue prompt when the plushy is right-clicked. /plushy is purchasable from the /webstore.
/plushy editor Allows the user to edit the plushy, including size, color, and type of Pokémon. /plushy is purchasable from the /webstore.
/plushy list Display the list of plushies in use. /plushy is purchasable from the /webstore.
/plushy place Allows the user to place the plushy in the world with a right-click. /plushy is purchasable from the /webstore.
/plushy remove Allows the user to remove the plushy. /plushy is purchasable from the /webstore.
/pokecolor (slot#) Allows the user to color the name of the Pokémon in the designated slot. Purchasable from the /webstore.
/sit Allows the user to sit wherever they see fit. Available for Porygon rank and higher.
/stonecutter Allows the user to access the stonecutter interface. Available for Wynaut rank and higher.
/store or /webstore Displays a link to the webstore to purchase ranks, cosmetics, and more.